Maggi RussellCounselling and Psychotherapy


Here are some of the best books on psychotherapy and self development that many of my clients find helpful because they are easy to read and can help enormously with understanding inner processes.

WHY LOVE MATTERS by Sue Gerhardt. (Routledge 2004)
(How affection forms a baby´s brain)

THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle. (Hodder Mobius 2005)
(Benefits of meditation)

HOMECOMING by John Bradshaw.(Piatkus 1991)
(Reclaiming your inner child)

I'M OK YOU`RE OK by Thomas Harris (Arrow 1995)
(Practical guide to Transactional Analysis)

THE TOOLS by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels (Vermillion 2012)
(Inspirational techniques to build self-confidence)

UNSHAME:: healing trauma-based shame through psychotherapy by Carolyn Spring (2019)
(In depth description of an actual successful psychotherapy process)

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